The mental fortitude and strength that Aidonia has displayed over the last few months could never be defined as regular. With a string of impactful releases under his belt, in congruence with the Frsh Drop Tour, Summer 2023 shapes up to be a fruitful time in the artist’s career.
‘We Doh Regular’ channels a unique side of Aidonia both visually and lyrically. Known for his authoritative, dominant vocals, awe-inspiring wit, and lyrical prowess, the track maintains the identifiable elements of greatness that has kept him in the mainstream of dancehall music for almost two decades.
‘We Doh Regular’ channels an undeniably hip hop and r&b influence but the Dancehall element is preserved by the cadence and vocal delivery of Aidonia. Hailed as one of the producers who shaped the sonic landscape of what is referred to as Trap Dancehall, Jonoi McCoulsky more popularly known as Jayds delivered a masterclass on the ‘We Doh Regular’ instrumental. ”

The whimsical guitar riff pairs excellently with the timbre of Aidonia’s voice, giving him enough room to express his lyrical dynamism. Having teamed up on songs like Breeze, Better, and Big Baller it’s obvious that the pair have a track record for creating impactful songs, harnessed by the unity and family environment of the 4th genna movement.
“The main reason we work so well together is because we allow each other to express our own creative ideas no matter how crazy it sounds. The instrumental was inspired by one of my favourite artist’s classic hit song, Micheal Jackson’s- Dirty Diana” Jayds stated.
The music video for ‘We Doh Regular’ also shows a more polished and pristine side of Aidonia. Directed by Hi Esteem Agency, Aidonia plays the role of an International Fashion Photographer who is enamored by the models in his upcoming fashion campaign. The 4th Genna head honcho is revered by fans for his advanced stylistic sensibilities and love for fashion, which is also duly reflected in the song and the visuals.

©Pantheon Studios
We anticipate that ‘We Doh Regular’ will become a summer anthem, that will once again re-iterate why Sheldon Lawrence is a genius and an absolute gift to Jamaican music.