At some point in our lives, we must answer the call to purpose. In an age of body glorification and endless superficiality being endorsed on social media, it is refreshing to see individuals who aim to be a bit more substantial. Here is a woman who has journeyed through the purblind nuances of corporate and social life in Jamaica in search of her purpose – her name is Brianna Knight.
We were blessed to have a layered and riveting conversation with Brianna, and it didn’t take us long into the conversation to realize her humility. Her biggest aversion in engaging with us was not wanting to give anyone the impression that she has it all figured out – and she wanted to make that clear very early. She started by saying, “I don’t want to lie and say that I’ve fully found my purpose because that’s the biggest question mark right now. I still have not discovered every aspect of my purpose, but I am blooming and journeying to find my purpose and that’s really it”
After Brianna Knight graduated from the University of Miami with a degree in Communication (with a minor in Marketing), she had a decision to make. Even though she had an impressive resume as a marketing specialist working for top companies such as Bacardi and Epican, there was an element of fulfillment she knew was lacking. She spent copious hours on uncertain nights ‘planting’ pages upon pages of journal and diary entries, tilling the soil of self-love. As the garden of her individuality blossomed, Bloom With Bri was cultivated.

It would have been silly of us not to ask how she came up with this witty name for her brand and what it truly means to blossom, in her estimation. She wasn’t reluctant in sharing with us that: “This name did not come to me overnight. I was actually brainstorming for quite some time what to call my blog & my overall brand. I was originally going to stick to ‘briiknight’ but then I knew my last name was going to change when I got engaged and I was like, ‘nahh, I need more depth!’ Keeping in mind what I wanted the brand to mainly be about – blooming/growing in self-love, wellness, healing, and lifestyle while inspiring others – I had two other names playing with and it never felt right. Until one night ‘Bloom with Bri’ just came to me and it was like a “aha” moment and I said, “yup, that’s it!”. It just felt right.”
She expounded on the brand’s philosophy by further explaining that, “The “bloom” is never really over as we’re constantly learning, evolving, growing and blooming into the best versions of ourselves. So I’d say, to truly blossom and bloom is to work on nourishing and healing our body, mind and soul every single day; whatever that may look like for each individual. #foreverblooming”
Very few marketing executives can add the value that Brianna does, on and off the camera, and her dynamism has still allowed her to have access to corporate Jamaica despite starting her own lifestyle brand on social media. The gentleness of her engaging smile and endearing personality allows her to leverage modeling opportunities for elite commercial clientele in Jamaica. Having done campaigns with Red Stripe, KFC and Jamaica National, Brianna is always in her element doing what she does effortlessly – melting hearts with her smile. She also made her acting debut with a noteworthy cameo in the season 3 opener of the popular Netflix series, Top Boy.
Brianna confidently stated that: “The extra encouragement from my fiancé and the opportunities that keep coming are a reminder that I’m supposed to be doing this! We all know how convoluted the modeling industry is, even though I was never trying to be a runway model (I don’t have the height or stereotypical ‘body type’ for it). However, I LOVE commercial modeling and being the face of brands, especially brands I resonate with. I realize more and more when I do it, how much I truly love it. I used to actually try to turn a blind eye to modeling opportunities because I thought it couldn’t be a ‘serious’ job but then I was told that it’s pointless repressing who you are and expecting to progress in who you are. So yes, I’ve loved doing it in Jamaica, but now I’m looking to branch out globally! Let’s take this smile WORL’ WIDE! (haha!) “

As much as she enjoys being admired for her beauty, as an intelligent black woman, she would rather be praised for the merit of her thoughts and her work ethics. It’s the balance of these two elements why her fast-growing social media following is so engaging.
Brianna has a higher engagement rate than many other influencers. Could it be her natural beauty, natural curls and natural brand growth? Absolutely! – but being a content creator is a lot of work. When we inquired about how much work truly goes into running a brand, being a fiancé and a commercial model, she told us bluntly that it was no easy task. She asserted that, “Content creation and ‘influencing’ is no joke, especially if you start out as a ‘nobody’; you have to push relentlessly and do a lot more to inspire people to want to follow you and watch or read your content and see what you’re all about. It takes so much effort especially if you are a one woman shop – I write, edit, film, all of it. It’s definitely not for the weak-hearted. But, like everything else in life – it’s doable and just takes hard work and consistency so I’m out here grinding. Modeling is my fun escape. It’s very seasonal though, so with it, I will clear (almost) anything to facilitate. As for being a fiancé – I love it!!! Love is something I’m also very passionate about. To love and be loved – it’s a beautiful thing, and takes active, consistent work as well. Cyaa just get comfortable because so will the relationship; and what happens when we stay in our comfort zones? NOTHING.
In closing, we asked Brianna to share her top 5 lifestyle habits for blooming; and this what she had to say:
1.Staying in action (always having things to do) to stay out of my head
2. Consciously filling my mind and thoughts with positive, inspirational thoughts through journaling, reading, meditating, and aromatherapy
3. Eating healthier/making better food choices
4. Exercising regularly to keep the body functioning and in shape
5. Getaways like the beach (my haven for when it’s time to recalibrate and rejuvenate).