Many sociologists and psychologists have made disparaging comments about the impact of social media. One thing that’s undeniable, is the contribution it has made to an increased consciousness around fitness, wellness and mental health. For some, the obsession with fitness comes from a superficial place rooted in a desire for body glorification.
For women like Feli Wong, there is a deeper understanding of the holistic benefits of consistent exercise and she shared a compelling anecdote that justified her decision to start fitness coaching: “A year before I got certified as a personal trainer, I injured my back while training due to under activity in some small muscle groups. I’ve always been intrigued by how the body works and after my injury I sort of deep-dived into my own movement patterns and how to move functionally without pain or injury. My main goal has always been to help people and what better way to do that than by helping them move, pain free.”

Wong graduated from Florida Southern College with a BSc in Chemistry in 2014. Feli possesses an uncanny ability, to professionally engage in a multiplicity of capacities. Since graduating, she has worked in multiple managerial and coordination roles, in organizations such as Jamaica Environment Trust and Mystique Integrated Services Limited. She recalls that: “Coming back to Jamaica from college in America, I had no idea where I was going to land. It was luck of the draw that I ended up at Jamaica Environment Trust and I found a true passion for environmental advocacy there. I was the coordinator of the Nuh Dutty Up Jamaica campaign among other major projects. Mystique saw the work I had done with J.E.T especially in regards to project management and invited me to join their team.”
On the surface, one might wonder how a chemist ends up working in marketing and then transitioning into fitness entrepreneurship. Feli is able to function in such a professionally diverse way, because of her fervent belief in discipline. Regardless of how daunting the task is or how challenging times get, Feli’s steely determination, self -assuredness and relentless perseverance causes her to endure through incalculably challenging times.

Don’t get me wrong! Wong, has no issue with being appreciated for her immaculately toned physique, but her educational background in chemistry allows her to acknowledge not just the physical benefits of exercise, but also the physiological ones. “I’ve always been an active person, I played sports when I was younger but I was definitely not implementing the training structure that I have acquired now. Wish I knew then what I know moment for sure! Exercise and intentional movement in general improves posture, alignment and cardiovascular health. People who are active, age backwards and fitness enables you to live a better everyday life. Sometimes we take what seem like simple movement for granted like carrying groceries or climbing flights of stairs. Exercise make all these day to day activities easier.”

Wong is not just determined to engage in a plethora of professional activities, but she is adamant about getting esteemed certification, in each facet of her career. As a fitness trainer, Feli is NASM certified. NASM is renowned for providing certification programs for entry-level and advanced practitioners in the arena of sports medicine, performance enhancement in addition to health and fitness industries.
As a woman who abhors anything that is substandard and low quality, it’s no surprise that Wong sought accredited certification for her fitness passion. It’s hard to express adulation for Feli Wong without admiring her faultless bronze skin and illuminating smile. Her curvaceous physique is eye-catching, to say the least, and it would not be inappropriate to postulate that her ‘peach’ is as well rounded as her professional and business acumen.