“I want to make a better world for the generation that’s coming up, to promote love and peace, and even though I’m young, I feel that the Creator has blessed me with talent and wisdom to get the job done.”
These are the words of Mikayla Simpson, an 18-year-old artist known to many as “Koffee”. Through her music, Koffee has an unwavering mission to empower the youths of her generation as well as to preserve the roots and culture of Jamaica.

Where it all started
Mikayla started singing at a very young age as she grew up in the Adventist Church around music. But it wasn’t until her days at Ardenne High School that she started writing songs and lyrics with her friends, and developing her craft. It was around the age of 14 when she realized that music was the career path she wanted to take.
“When I was in grade nine, I started listening to reggae music and just exploring and expanding…widening my horizons as it came to music. And I buck up on Protoje and Chronixx and quite a few reggae artists who basically had a sick flow and resonated with what I wanted to do even just a little bit and that inspired me. Listening to them and listening to other artists, I just basically felt like I am really talented in this area and could really do this. If I put my mind to it I can’t go wrong.”
It was also in high school that Mikayla got her nickname, Coffee. When she first moved to Kingston for school no one knew her name at the time. One of her classmates saw her drinking coffee so they just decided to call her ‘Coffee’. When she started music, she changed the ‘C’ to a ‘K’ because of the ‘K’ in Mikayla and brewed Koffee.
When you hear the name Koffee, don’t think physically hot but hot in the sense of Mikayla’s personality, her determination, talent, what she does, how she does it and generally the way she carries herself.
Hit Singles
One thing that made everyone want to know Koffee was her hit single ‘Toast’. It blew up at the end of 2018 as it was on everyone’s Instagram story, all over the radio stations and breaking the internet. The song was produced by Walshy Fire of Major Lazer and Izy Beats. Not only is the beat infectious but the lyrics are real and motivational, which really resonated with a lot of people. When asked about the inspiration behind ‘Toast’, Koffee said, “It’s literally in the song”.
“The thing about the song ‘Toast’ is that the meaning is actually included in the lyrics so it’s basically what I was feeling. I said exactly what I felt at the time. What I said was what was on my mind. That was the inspiration, just feel blessed ya know.”
‘Toast’ has a different vibe from her other 2018 hit ‘Raggamuffin’, and her earlier single ‘Burning’. Koffee said this was due to both the growth and versatility of her as an artist. Furthermore, she doesn’t attach herself to one particular genre as she believes she is too new to the industry to label herself just yet.
Nonetheless, some people may label her as a reggae artist because she is mentored by Chronixx and is known to some as his protégé. She can’t quite place a finger on exactly how the mentorship came about, but it can be attributed from having similar backgrounds as they are both from Spanish Town, having similar network circle and connection of music.

It is safe to say that some great talents have come from Spanish Town. There is Papa San, Dirtsman, Lady G, Chronixx and now Koffee.
“I think Spanish Town just has a realness to it, the reality there is so in your face. As youths we have to grow strong to survive or come out the best in Spanish Town. We just put our heads to what we choose to do and quite a few of us chose to enter the music industry and use our talents to go that direction. But I think we are just determined people who just work hard and reap what we want. I think that’s the thing about Spanish Town, we just straight forward with it.”
Live from Kingston

In December 2018, Koffee was part of an all-female line-up at Live from
“It was amazing, it was definitely new for me because of the audience, and the all-female line-up. When I got there my
sistrens were on the stage tearing it up and people were interactive and supportive and everybody was just enjoying it. It was a great vibe to see that. Then to follow in their footsteps and go up on the stage and just… it was euphoric for me because people were singing my lyrics and mi neva know they know demchune dere word for word. It was really good and I felt good that I was able to reach into the social groups of the youths.”
However, the biggest crowd Koffee has performed for was a sold out Chronixx and Protoje show in the UK. The arena had about 10 000 people.
When asked if she felt any pressure after having the support of two of the biggest names in reggae music, she said she would more call it a responsibility and not pressure. Something to conquer and take care of rather than pressure.
Now that she is signed with Columbia Records UK, she says she is grateful for the opportunity to be able to cover more regions and see who supports her music.
Support System
One of Koffee’s biggest support systems is her mother who is also her main role model.
“She’s raised me on her own. She’s been there for me, she’s always been supportive. She provides for me when needs be and she’s always in my circle.”
Other than her mother’s support, what keeps Koffee dreaming and believing in what she does is other musical inspirations. Other artists’ styles and messages within their music keeps her motivated.
Regional artistes like Kristen Walker, Sevana, Naomi Cowan, Yanah and international artist Smino are some of her inspirations. Music inspires her but she also prays and ask God for guidance.
She believes that gratitude definitely is a must for you to excel in life. It’s not just a slang. She advises anyone trying to follow their dream to always give thanks and remember where they are coming from.

Just the beginning…
2018 was a great year for Koffee, but in 2019 she wants to accomplish more good music that the people will resonate with. She’s currently back and forth between Kingston and Spanish Town while doing a few shows within Jamaica.
We can look forward to more from Koffee and her band the Raggamuffins as her EP drops in February 2019. Entitled “Rapture“, the EP will have three new songs and the meaning behind the title is in one of them.
However, if you want little hints about her EP or simply just want to see what Koffee is up to musically. Make sure to follow her on Instagram @originalkoffee as her new single ‘Throne’ drops tomorrow.