The age-old cliché ‘the sky is the limit’ is antiquated, anachronistic, and merely inapplicable to some of our region’s cultural leaders. The Caribbean is blessed to be producing young thought leaders, whose accomplishments and growth trajectory already exceeds ‘the sky’ and Lindsay Harley is undoubtedly one of them.
Since her time at the St.Andrew High School For Girls, Harley has been an emblematic representation of the school’s ‘Life More Abundant’ motto, through her impeccable academic record and extensive extra-curricular involvement. Lindsay’s profound organization skills, communication skills, and accountability are exceptionally endearing qualities in which she takes tremendous pride. “My commitment to academics has developed my discipline and discipline is a skill that is needed in every single aspect of life. My criteria for myself is that if I don’t do well in school I won’t allow myself to engage in the others things I’m interested in like tutoring, modeling, or community development. “ she asserted.

Her academic infallibility landed her a full scholarship at the prestigious Dartmouth College – a private Ivy League research university in the United States. What makes Lindsay special as an individual, is that she’s equally invested in creating opportunities for posterity, as for herself. People who are naturally helpful, empathetic, and diversely engaged, can be easily misconstrued as sycophantic or “nuff” but it’s imperative to understand the heart that Lindsay has, in order to appreciate why she’s so invested in helping others.
The journey of navigating through her identity politics and growing in confidence as a young woman, was an incredibly tumultuous and at times, challenging one for Lindsay. The grace she carries herself with and the sumptuousness of her beauty could easily mislead one to think, that Lindsay’s life has been a lap of luxury but that is not the case. Lindsay’s sensitivity to the struggle of other young women stems from the hardships she has faced and conquered herself.

While balancing her intense academic schedule at Dartmouth College, she also works as a Tutor for AIM Educational Services, “I went to AIM as a foundation scholar at first, which provided me with the opportunity to garnet SAT preparation and college counselling for free. After going through this process, I was offered five full-ride scholarships from reputable colleges and upon that premise, I was offered a position to tutor at AIM”
In this role she spends copious hours, helping pre-tertiary students prepare for their SATs under the guidance of the visionary and luminary that is Nicole Mclaren – Campbell whose mentorship she praises. “Nicole is amazing. The factor that I think makes the culture of AIM so unique, is how family and team-oriented it is. Nicole is so approachable and I can reach out to her with my ideas at any time and I know she’s going to give me a listening ear.” Even in acknowledging her mentorship, there is no one more equipped to assists students in preparing for college and acquiring scholarships, than an astute scholar like Lindsay who has been there and done that.

Her interests aren’t limited to the academic sphere and Lindsay’s passion for modeling and content creation is becoming more prominent in her heart and mind. She is preparing new content for her Youtube channel and she recently just inked her first modeling contract with Hi Esteem Agency in Miami. With an unparalleled amount of zeal, beauty and drive it would be unwise and remiss of anyone, to place any sort of myopic limitations about what Lindsay Harley can achieve, and in closing she expressed “ I really think it’s important for you to dream big, for yourself. How do you expect others to invest in your dream if you don’t even believe it yourself? Secondly, sometimes you have to put yourself in uncomfortable situations and purport more confidence than you may actually have, in that moment”