Bahamian born Remi Martinii is a 27-year-old model and mother to her 3-year-old daughter Rainer. Martinii represents the modern-day woman in the way she has gracefully handled the pressures of modeling and motherhood all while finishing law school. She is a woman who is unbounded by the limitations that Caribbean society has typically placed on women. The antiquated belief that to be invested in motherhood, one must sacrifice all their professional aspirations, is erroneous and women like Martinii debase this faulty notion effortlessly.
Martinii was first discovered by iconic Bahamian photographer Christine Demeritt – the CEO of ICANDY Studios. For Remi, modeling was a triumphant feat over battling with insecurities she had growing up, it allowed her to boost her confidence and self-esteem. It’s easy to see the blessings of her current lifestyle and feel as though Remi’s life is perfect, but her hard work and determination play an integral role in her success. Martinii graduated from law school at the University of Westminster, London. Her achievement substantiates her proclivity to go the extra mile for any pursuit she values as meaningful. Her discipline is not to be confused with inflexibility and her light-hearted personality is what has made her such a delightful presence on social media to her fast-growing following.

Beyond her allure and academic interests, Martinii’s ultimate blessing came November 8, 2017, when she gave birth to her beautiful daughter. In the past, so many models and female entertainers are discouraged from giving birth in their 20’s out of the fear that their physical image will be altered due to the effects of pregnancy. Not only has Martinii proven that mentality to be fallacious but the unconfined joy she has derived from motherhood has allowed her to be best person she can be for her daughter.

CARIB VOXX: How did Christine Demeritt discover you as a model?
Martinii: “Christine discovered me as a model when I was in the 10th grade. Over the years I shot with her niece while she was in Paris studying. When she arrived back home she had noticed my pictures and reached out to me to ask if I would be interested in doing shoots with her. There was one particular summer where we spent the entire summer shooting. I was so excited and grateful for the opportunity because I loved her work. I also learned so much from her and we had so much fun shooting. It was the best experience a model could ask for. We also developed such a great friendship.”
CARIB VOXX: Since you are a law school graduate, do you plan on pursuing a career in law?
Martinii: “I may practice law later in my career. I mean it’s not something I have my heart set on right now. But you never know so I won’t say no.”
CARIB VOXX: Has studying law helped in your modeling career in any way?
Martinii: “One thing that I have learned from studying law that may relate to modeling is for one I will always read contracts before signing them. I will never make the mistake of signing a contract without thoroughly going through the terms. Secondly, studying law even helped me gain more confidence. Studying law required a lot of presentation and communication with your peers and professors. I’ve never really liked speaking to large groups of people but during my course, it helped me gain more confidence.”

CARIB VOXX: Do you ever feel pressure being in a high profile relationship?
Martinii: “No, I don’t ever feel pressured to being in a high-profile relationship. I’ve never felt the pressure to change who I am. I’ve always felt comfortable being me. When I look at my partner, I don’t see someone that’s famous I just see the person that I fell in love with before all the fame. That’s something that won’t ever change.”
CARIB VOXX: Has motherhood impacted your modeling career? If so, how?
Martinii: “I don’t model as much. A lot of my modeling took place back home in the Bahamas. I have not really tried to pursue it as much since I had my daughter. My main focus has been my family, my health, and fitness, and also working on my business. However, if a company that I’m interested in asked me to model for them I wouldn’t turn them down. Rainer has also inspired the future business that I have been working on which will be coming soon. I have been working on it for the past two and a half years. I don’t want to say too much about it yet but I will be promoting it very soon. “
CARIB VOXX: How has motherhood changed your life?
Martinii: “It’s definitely changed my life for the better. Since I have been blessed with my baby girl I’ve been working on becoming a better person. It may sound cliché but it’s true. Since Rainer, my relationship with God has definitely gotten stronger. Being a mom you just want to be the best role model for your kids. I have become a lot more motivated.”