The human mentality is often conditioned to want to see emerging entities fail. Despite this, Spirit Mas entered Trinidad Carnival 2024 with one of the strongest, most congruent marketing rollouts seen in carnival history, positioning itself as the band to watch. Despite the excellent marketing and brand positioning, there were still naysayers who doubted the band’s potential and wondered if they could deliver on the promise of an elevated carnival experience. The answer was a resounding yes.

The key to any good relationship starts with communication, and a carnival band’s relationship with their masqueraders is no different. Spirit Mas developed an intricate social media and email marketing campaign that kept their customers informed about every pertinent detail, from costume distribution and assembly points to lunch stops. The eclecticism in the lunch menu has been a talking point for many masqueraders, as it heightened their experience with the debutants.

The mesmeric costumes, the exhilarating crossing of the Savannah stage, and the overall vibrancy of Spirit Mas were supported by efficacy in content marketing but also strategic alignments with key musicians in the space. In a year that arguably was not the strongest for Soca music, Spirit Mas was keen on securing dubplates for tracks like “DNA” by Mical Teja and “Carnival Contract” by Bunji Garlin, to bolster the exclusivity of the carnival experience. Nailah Blackman and Bunji Garlin’s presence in the actual procession on both Carnival Monday and Tuesday intensified the Spirit Mas’ brand resonance, redefining the modern carnival experience.
Anything Adrian Scoon touches turns to gold, and it’s always a delight to see top-tier Caribbean creatives conquer their respective fields with a nuanced sense of innovation and authenticity, and nothing embodied that like Spirit Mas Carnival 2024 offering. Growth is inevitable for Spirit Mas.