Chris Lewinson
I am Chris Lewinson, Creative Director, Photographer, Graphic Designer and also the owner of Lucid Arts Creative Company. An artist born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica, as the son of two business creatives; I was brought up to utilize my talents to become a successful businessman. I have been capturing dynamic and compelling images for about a year and a half.
For over nine (9) years, my first love was graphic design, however, I was immediately enraptured by the art of photography the moment I first laid my hands on a professional camera. Through networking, I gradually branched off into the world of commercial photography as I worked alongside corporate entities and government officials. On the contrary, that did not seem to satisfy my yearning to express my true creativity through the lens.
I then embarked on a creative journey I like to call “Project Genesis” where I found ways to incorporate my business objectives and my creative expressions. The elements and subjects of my work are usually a reflection of my lifestyle and hobbies such as cars, people and most of all, nature. I still consider myself to be a “newbie” to the photography game as I am consistently developing my personal and creative skills as I work towards my point of zenith.
Rojo in Bog Walk

In working with BMW Jamaica and ATL Automotive, I conceptualized a project to bring the international standards of automotive photography to Jamaica. In doing so, I drove the 2020 BMW 330i across Jamaica. This image was captured in the Bog Walk Gorge. I appreciate the textures and tones of this shot as the shadows of the leaves and the light from above created a texture on the upside of the vehicle. Along with that, I admire the rough and aggressive effect I got from the walls of the gorge which was enhanced by adjusting the tones and sharpness of the image.
MX Jamaica

Captured in the hills of St. Andrew, a dirt biker shredding the track at an MX Jamaica warm-up track meet. Motocross is one of my favorite sports, for the speed and thrill of constantly being on the edge of danger. I appreciate the colors and tones of this shot. I enhanced the shadows of this image to portray a somewhat dark, mysterious and edgy aura as the sunlight hits the dust in the background while blades of grass in the foreground created a sense of secrecy of photographing that moment.
The Preyer

Melancholy is the theme of this shot as it depicts two fishermen working hard at sea. I was sitting by the Waterfront in Downtown, Kingston on a Sunday afternoon, just observing the environment when it came to my attention that these fishermen were in the pelting sun for over two (2) hours waiting and preying on a single catch. I decided to capture it due to the emotions of sadness and determination it presented to me. I then went ahead and applied that color scheme to compliment the subjects by adding a vintage look to the image.

In the frame is the Slovakian model Veronika Sramata. This was my first time shooting portrait photography. The objective of this shoot was to go for an attractive street photography essence in which took place in the streets of New Kingston, Jamaica. The color scheme of this shot is what stood out to me; from the colors of her clothes and hair to the colors of the leaves and building in the background which came together in unison.

This photograph is a personal favorite as it represents my safe haven. Whether it be the beach or the river, once I am nearby a body of water and looking at the sky, I am at peace. I shot this with my phone because I had left my underwater camera kit. My objective was to capture a slightly submerged image. However, I improvised with my phone and the oncoming waves to give it that similar effect. The textures of the wave ripples created a contrast with the soft clouds above. This gives me a sort of two-toned vibes.