My name is Edward Charles and I’m a photographer born and raised in the beautiful twin island republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Photography has always been something close to my heart because pictures of me before the age of 13 or so don’t exist. I mean, no baby pictures or anything! My family wasn’t big on pictures it seems and having zero pre-teen pictures is something that has always bothered me. What did I look like? How much have my features changed? This is the silent drive behind every image I capture because, I understand how important photography is in capturing moments in time that disappear in the blink of an eye. Who am I creatively? Whatever I choose to be. I don’t like the idea of labels or boxes and would never consider myself a “insert genre here” photographer. I’m a photographer full stop period. I take photos of everything! This universe has too much beauty to tie yourself down to taking pictures of any one thing. That being said, whoever/whatever I capture I ensure that it is memorable and I honour what lies in front of my lens. You can check out some more of my work over on my website:
Basilica Nuestra Senora del Valle

This is the Basilica Nuestra Senora del Valle, located on Margarita Island, Venezuela. This remains one of the images I am most proud of because when I travelled to Margarita years ago, I only packed my camera and a 50mm lens. There was no way I could capture this entire scene with that lens at the distance I stood from it. It was dangerous to venture too far away from the tour group in this part of the island. This image is composition of around 50 images rendered into one using the Brenizer Method.

This photo was worth the gash on my big toe and the feeling of panic getting my camera soaked in the salt water. This image was from an early morning photoshoot at Las Cuevas Beach, Trinidad for a swimwear brand. I envisioned the two models on the rocks with a little wave action. Alas, it was almost too much waves when I had to stretch my hands as high as I could to avoid getting my gear ruined immediately after capturing this shot.
Red Devil

“I got the f**king shot!” That’s exactly what I told myself after I captured this one. This was during the Canboulay Riot reenactment in 2019. The red and blue devils are famous for “spitting flames” during the festivities and this shot was just an amazing capture of such a “lit” moment. Enough of the dad jokes lol

This image was taken on Washington Street down under the Manhattan Bridge overpass, or DUMBO for short, in Brooklyn. You can see the Manhattan Bridge centre frame and if you look a bit closer you can see the Empire State Building framed in the bottom portion of the bridge. I woke up around 6am and hopped on a bus to get here before the crowds started to pour in as it’s one of the popular photo op locations in NY.

This is Rochelle, my best friend in the world that I always enjoy taking photos of. This photo was taken at Las Cuevas Beach as well. I love this image because it was an image I enjoyed pushing the boundaries of my usual editing style with and she still looked amazing. No retouching here…she’s this beautiful in real life.

This is me frustrated… seriously. I was bored at home and had an idea to fashion a crown with some fairy lights and do some self portraits. It was late at night, the lighting was bad, I didn’t feel like setting up off camera lighting, etc, and my camera wasn’t focusing properly. I pressed the remote shutter a couple times and just as I put my hand over my face to scream, I heard the click. This is by far one of my favourite self portraits. The editing is also very different from my usual work but, there’s a certain mood energy to it that I like a lot.