Kyeon Constantine
Life is a series of moments happening one after the other. Some people miss them, Some live in it, others just take these moments for granted. Then there are people like me, who will capture the essence of the moment. I see the beauty of people, I suppose in the picture of life. I’m a third eye. Life is my greatest teacher. Always evolving and showing us ways to adapt to the situation.
I would love nothing more to say that I’ve always been in photography, it was actually through another passion of mine in videography that piqued my interest in still images. Eventually, my focus shifted from videography to this new world of photography, where most of the rules are the same but Photography had much more fine details to pay attention to, Which challenged me and I loved it.
Started using my phone for shooting practice. My favourite phones at the time were the Nokia N95 and iPhone 3gs till I could afford my first camera (Canon T4i) in 2013. Since then I’ve been shooting through all the good and bad experiences life threw my way. Photography in turn also became my escape and also helped me see through the eyes of another which is why Portraits holds a special place in my heart, I encourage people to be themselves. Live truthfully in your character and genuinely in life’s experiences.
Laugh hard. Love strong. Build a world you want to live in. Every blush, freckle, mood or memory is a precious split second. I live to capture life in the moment. Every picture tells a story and I’m the narrator. My name is Kyeon Constantine, I’m a photographer from Trinidad and Tobago and I capture the memories you’re living.
Great Escape

Most of my off days are spent in Nature when I have a chance, featured in this image is a fellow photographer and good friend of mine Tarique Eastman @Tariqueeastman on the shoreline of Blanchisseuse beach on the North coast of Trinidad. We randomly do photo missions just for the love of shooting outdoors and adventure for the gram.
Against The Grain

Was really excited when I got the opportunity to shoot my friend Shani and capture her essence on a fun day spent on the East coast of Trinidad in San Souci. Was a nice sunny day and Shani didn’t disappoint producing this stunning piece. To end a good day of shooting we even got to see some Turtle Hatchlings making their way to the water to begin their life at sea.
Morning Light

Met this beautiful soul (@ii_kaya_ises) on Ig when she contacted me for a collab. In true fashion
Rough Waters

With the lovely
especially with her lovely crown of hair. We took off to one of my favourite locations for shooting La Fillette a small drive after Las Cuevas on the North Coast of Trinidad. Everything seemed to bend at the will of her mercy or so it felt after each click was pure bliss as her movements
Taste the feeling

Not to be mistaken for a Coca-Cola Ad lol One of my biggest inspirations came from watching their ad campaigns the style of their Tv Commercials and Billboard photography always amazed me and moulded my style after falling for the art in the work they do whether it was Anna Palma or Guy Aroch the images they captured creatively pushed me to try shooting Coca-Cola-esc images. Helping me with this was the drop dead gorgeous Karien Saunders who I have been eyeing for a whileee to do some shots and she came through helping me with my attempt at creating a Classic coca cola image of my own.

This image came from trying to use my recently acquired 85mm prime lens which my friend ShalishaStewart with her intense Modeling prowess helped me test out one-afternoon in my backyard. It was probably one of the best purchases I made even for a manual lens and this shoot is mainly why I keep the 85mm close to my heart.