Michael Forest
Self-expression through art has always been therapeutic for me. Describing who I am as a creative is always a challenge because it’s not something I’ve actually given any thought to, I am who I am, and who I am just happens to be a creative. Creativity comes out of me naturally, not just through photography, but anything I put my mind to. Some of my biggest inspirations like Kanye and Tyler The Creator impacted my life because they embodied their artistry, and I could tell that they had a creative outlook at life and just saw creative inspiration in everything. Speaking on my influences paints a better picture of who I am as a creative. So yea, that’s me.

I got tired of society’s definition of beauty. So I decided to show the raw faces of a master piece… The real beauty is in the diversity of women.
(This concept was presented to me by Charisa Taylor )

The theme of this shoot was unity, and to display the love between these two lovely individuals. All of these shots were not posed, completely organic.

This shoot was the first of many with Kimbaldie, every time we collab its a vibe. We had no theme in mind, all of the pictures from this album were completely unplanned, everything was in the moment.

Once again. no concept, we hung out played some music and Kimmy and Sanya did