After a most impressive debut, GenXS is here to storm the carnival season once more, transporting you to another realm with their electrifying new theme, “Unleash the Dragon,” with their band launch on Saturday, November 18, 2023 at The Ruins on the UWI Mona Campus.
The 2024 carnival season is underway in the GenXS camp as they prepare to unveil their costumes for the new season. The theme “Unleash the Dragon” explores the beauty and wonder of these mythical creatures and starts off with an exquisite design named “Wendamyr” by the renowned Trinidadian designer Shawn Dhanraj.
Dhanraj explains that his deep appreciation for dragons and other fantastical creatures allowed him to seize the opportunity to create a piece that authentically embodied the theme and transported revelers to a different realm.

“Wendamyr” was modeled by GenXS Jamaica Ambassador Achsah Henry and captured by photographer Jeffrey Charles in Port of Spain.
As last year’s “Return to Paradise” delivered for revelers, GenXS Carnival promises another year of amazing carnival experiences with more captivating costumes.
For further information, pre-registration details, and exciting updates, stay connected with GenXS Carnival on various social media platforms: @genxsjamaica, and visit their website at